OpenAI will introduce "Her" on May 13: Here is what she looks like

· 3 min read
ChatGPT "Her" UI

This text is already written by "Her" or properly saying "through the same UI you will be using Her soon". I am driving my car to the swimming pool and having a conversation with Her on my iPhone. I am asking Her to record my notes which I will convert into this article later on with the help of my custom GPTs.

According to all the latest leaks and rumours, there is a very high chance that OpenAI will announce a new product, similar to "Samatha" from the "Her" movie. The main intrigue is still there as it would require OpenAI to release a new AI model with advanced Voice&Vision features. So far, this theory has been confirmed by The Information and there is also a chance that the previewed "im-a-good-gpt2-chatbot" on lmsys was exactly a version of such a model.

Let's take a step back and forget everything you know about ChatGPT as a product so far. Imagine "Samantha" from the "Her" movie available in 1 click on any of your devices.

  • You use a shortcut button on iPhone 15 to jump directly into the conversation mode (already available).
ChatGPT "Her" features on iOS
  • If you are in the car, it will connect to your remote and you can have a conversation with “Her” on the go (already available).
  • "Her" has access to long-term memory in order to make conversations more personalised (already available).
  • You can share your photos with "Her" to ask questions about your surroundings (currently in development).
ChatGPT "Her" vision capabilities
  • "Her" can display summary lists to you over the screen (currently in development).
  • "Her" can display summary lists to you over the screen (already available).
  • If your connection is lost, you can reconnect in one tap (already available).
  • If you are in a public place, you can use a mute button so "Her" is not getting distracted and you can speak to other people if you need (currently in development).
ChatGPT "Her" UI
  • If you are walking, you can simply lock your device and put it into your pocket while continuing the conversation with "Her" on the go (already available).
  • If you need to work on your laptop, you can simply continue your conversations with "Her" through the web interface (currently in development).

So far, most of these features are already present in the app or hidden behind feature flags. The main thing which is missing is the model itself.

Some additional signs supporting this theory include hints from OpenAI employees setting "Her" themed banners on Twitter.

What remains unclear to this moment is if "Her" will have access to your files through upcoming Context Connectors. This upcoming feature has been in development for a while and now is finally ready to be released.

Some leaks were highlighting the potential possibility for ChatGPT to make phone calls while it is also very likely a part of the existing functionality allowing ChatGPT to connect to the car headset during the conversational mode.

Overall, expectations from the upcoming event are rising and user satisfaction will likely depend on the capabilities and tools of the new model itself. What are your thoughts?